Category: SDG Board Minutes (page 3 of 4)

March 2 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

Present: SC, WC, CM, KB, JW, KP, ML, JL, Ty, Alex, JC joined late

Regrets: Andy P, 

Note Taker: Casey

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order SC call to order 9:09, Scott to chair meeting in JC’s absence
Accept last meeting minutes motion to accept, ML. 2nd KP
New business Possible new sponsor, ML
Presidents report Nothing new. Excited for the warm weather.
Course Dev Received application form to apply for city funding for signage. Andy is 50% done sign design.

New pin loc at Diefenbaker: layout pins and suggested pin loc on a map to send to the board, then the City.  We can expose membership to the layout at the membership drive and take feedback.

Haven’t heard back from Donna community assoc.

SC to move foreword layout of Diefenbaker and Application for signage funding.
Membership Dev. Registration page is live.
Leagues Found an intown place to do tags. Finalizing schedule, will post on the web site 

Plan to go ahead with pre-league. 

Kris, will post schedule on line. Tags to be ordered before start of league.
Sport development Opened up Junior program registration on Feb 22. 22/28 spots are full.  20 are juniors.

Sponsors: escape (TBD), Disc Store ($10 gift card sponsor originally, upped it to $15-20USD), Disc Golf Strong (activities and some giveaways), Prodigy (some discs, maybe custom print, and swag?), also some local businesses on 8th st (Should be a few).  

9 Coaches have signed up, Disc store 50% off coaches jerseys.

 Please help pump sponsors.

Tournament Some trouble with Disc golf scene, JL is helping to sort out the tech. Membership drive is ready to open tonight, this is 60 days notice. Multiple divisions depending on registration. Flex tee-time. Membership fee +$5 am, $10 pro.  Can have a mix of different divisions on one card via udisc scoring.

Will start on other tournaments. Need to hear back from Chris Hoyt, our provincial rep.

Escape Sports is the title sponsor (Escape Sports Open, for Saskatoon Open). Could be a B-tier easily? Will form a small committee.

WP: working on a 1-day Women’s tournament may 8.

KP: Build a sponsorship sheet
Communications KB: To put sponsors on website, will wait for list incoming on 2021. JL will help

Will build a schedule that can be posted on line, may put QR codes at courses?

Finance Cheques have been deposited.

Looking at signing authority. 

 Need a quote from Escape for Donna #3 basket.

SC will ask Escape for quote.

JC will work with Kodi on email etc to help with tournaments.

Marc, a sponsor Somewhere else Pub, interested in talk. Funds are a bit low due to covid, but would like a proposal. ML, will speak with Somewhere else
Motion to adjourn Motion JW, 2nd KP. 8:49


Feb 3 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

Present: Jason C, Kevin B, Kodi P, Alex P, Jay W, Scott C, Wendy C, James L, Kris R, Andy P, Marc L

Regrets: Casey M

Note Taker: Kevin B

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order at 8:04 Motion to accept agenda by Alex, Andy

Motion to accept past meeting minutes by Kevin, Scott

President’s Report Great job on Ice Bowl.

Need to get Kodi paid for the lights.

Joined Scott to meet with the city this Friday; lots of good news coming for Dief

Course development Contacted the city councillor and Briarwood community association about Donna; asked for help fundraising for teepads; asked for information from the community about missing basket, but we’ll replace it ($400)

Met with Mark from the city. The city has asked us to re-number holes such that hole #1 is close to the parking lot near the ball diamonds. The board agrees. We’ll plan to do this along with alternate tee placements in the spring.

The city is ok with us using any space on the public side of the permanent fence around Optimist hill. This includes the east side of the hill, and LOTS of space North of the hill.

The city is also planning to plant new trees to replace those lost in the Optimist hill work. They’re willing to work with us on where they will be placed.

The city is also ok with using space near the current hole #12. Along with space near the hill, this makes room for several additional holes across the park.

The board will plan alternate pin locations for this spring, along with re-numbering the holes, and work on teepads for the holes we have. Additional holes will come in future years (with new trees).

The city is willing to work with us on putting a sign up at Reid. No sponsorships allowed. 

Scott to send notes on potential new pin locations to the executive

Andy to work on the design map to go on a permanent sign at Reid

Membership development Registration page is now up on DGScene

Sponsors sound like they will be the same as last year

James to send Kevin B list of sponsors
Leagues Been looking into getting tags

No other news

PDGA league will be the same night as Gophertown, but we’ll try to start earlier to avoid issues with it getting too dark

Sport Development $40 fees will cover a junior membership (valued @ $10) and event fees ($30)

Looking for volunteer coaches. Ideally would like to have 1 coach per 4 kids

Tournaments Ice Bowl was a success. 62 registrants (!)

UDisc didn’t quite work out due to our choose-your-own-groups format. Participants were gracious

Proposed dates for other tournaments this year:

Spring Membership Drive – May 1

Trilogy Challenge – June 5 or 6

Summer Solstice – June 19

Sask open – July 24th/25th

Ace Race – Sept 18 — volunteer TD needed

NADGT series – *maybe* July 10. Would need a TD who has previously run a sanctioned event. Not sure anyone in Saskatoon qualifies

Communications No updates. Kevin B still to add sponsors to website. 
Finance Board positions updated with ISC

Going into start of season with $5000 available to us

Adjourn meeting Meeting adjourned at 9:21PM. Motion by Alex and Marc


Jan 5 2021 — SDG Executive Minutes

Present: Jason C, Casey M, Kris , Kevin B, Marc L, Kodi P, Alex P, James L, Jay W


Note Taker:

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Open meeting 802 Pm we have quorum, only Directors Reports on agenda Add Sponsorship to agenda Motion to approve, Scott, second Marc, passed.
Marc, do we have a deadline for sponsorship re membership? James can speak to this.

Are there any we want to add?

Could bring sponsors into league, tournaments etc. Not just membership.

Membership drive tentatively May 1st

Late sponsors could be on our website, all really should.

James want memberships before icebowl, does that affect end of year?

We could change our end of year to smooth things out.

Kevin to update sponsors on website, also promote last years sponsors

Jason to look into changing end of year filing date.

Tournaments IceBowl, strong registration already. Mix of day and night, lights will be well used. Order should go in soon for icebowl merch

May 1 for spring membership drive tournament, socially distance, casual.  Should be good for covid.

To get on Saskatoon Open organization asap.

Can we change the name of the Saskatoon open? Sponsors may want to have a say

Kodi, starting work on Saskatoon Open
Leagues Nothing to report
Sport Development Little to report

We should start a week or two after the membership drive, we could promo through the membership tournament.

Course development Talking with City re signage and regulations.

Course layout will be mostly what was tested, will confirm with the city.

Need to confirm temp baskets.

We lost basket #3 at Donna, striped to the pole. Can we reinforce baskets?

Do we want to upgrade chains? Would this affect PDGA sanctioning of tournaments? Premade packages would cost 3K/park

What about funding for signage? Would the City pitch in? Saskatoon tourism?

Federated Coop could be an option.

Send grants to Scott, he will look into them.

Scott will back and forth on signage with the City

Scott will contact community organization re helping replace the basket.

Scott will look at chains and PDGA approval

Communications Not much to update.

Need to social media blast the icebowl.

Kevin will push icebowl on somed, focus on food bank angle.
Membership development Membership cards, would like to get them rolling soon. get cards and posters

Andy made some excellent posters for icebowl

Finance Has been very quiet

We were paid by the City

Light editing to do on bylaws before they are submitted.

Do we have cash to buy a basket? Yes.  

We could move new baskets at Donna to Diefenbaker.

2 cheques need to be deposited by Jason and also update signing authority
Secretary Nothing to report
President Nothing new to report.

Waiting to pounce on the new pins at Diefenbaker.

Other business Basket lights: won’t make an icebowl specific basket light. As far as club lights Working on a prototype that is lockable. Looking at a combination lock system. Would like to number each light and possibly add art. Looking for bulk pricing on locks.

2021 birdie cards will be for sale, with some proceeds going to SDG.

Bag tags should likely get ordered soon.

Minutes should get posted.

Kevin will post meeting notes on website.
Last meeting minutes Motion to approve last meeting minutes. With a note that James was not in attendance. Motion, Scott, Second Kevin, passed
adjourn meeting motion to adjourn at 9:03 Motion to Adjourn Marc, second Scott, meeting adjourned.

Dec 12 2020 — SDG Executive Minutes

Saskatoon SDG Executive – December 12 2020 – Via Zoom

Present: Casey M, Jason C, Alex P, Allan H, Kris R, Scott C, Andy P, Kodi P, Kevin B, Jay W

Regrets: James L, Marc

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October 6, 2020 – SDG Executive Minutes

Saskatoon SDG Executive – October 6 2020 – Via Zoom

Present: Scott C, Wendy C, Jason C, Tyrone, James L, Jay W, Kodi P, Casey M

Regrets: Andy P, Kevin B, Kai H, Kris R

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August 4, 2020 – SDG Executive Minutes

SDG Board of Directors

August 4th 2020

Zoom meeting


Present:Scott C, Wendy C, Jason Cotu, James Lawson, Kevin B, Jay W, Andy P, Tyrone, Casey Murray

Regrets:Kai H

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July 10, 2020 — SDG Executive Minutes

Members present: Kevin Baribeau, Jason Coutu, James Lawson, Kodi Poettcker, Scott Chapman, Wendy Champan

Regrets: Jay Dub, Kai Hicks, Tyrone Okrainetz, Casey Murray, Andy Palmer

Meeting called to order at 9:06


  Accept minutes from last meeting

  Business arising from minutes

  Reid Complaint letter

  Directors Reports

  Any other business

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June 2nd, 2020 — SDG Executive Minutes

Covid meeting #3

Attendance: Casey Murray, Tyrone, Kris Roach, Jason Coutu, Wendy Chapman, Kevin Baribeau, Andy Palmer, James Lawson. Jay White joined a few minutes late

JC: last meeting minutes accepted? Moved by WC. Seconded by… none opposed


KB: talk about phase 3
Directors reports
KB: Why did the website go down? Can I help. Add to agenda Continue reading

May 5, 2020 — SDG Executive Minutes

COVID meeting #2 May 5th 2020

Attendance: CM, Tyrone, JC, Kris, SC, AP, KP, JW, JL, SC, WC
Regrets: KB and Kai also DP

Called to order 8:07


President: JW Hard to do much in current situation. Want to make a plan to finalize extra pins.
Parks grant submitted last week, should hear back soon. Posted on FB for public feedback on Reid. Hoping to do a walk-through of Reid this weekend.

Course Development

JL: Our grant application asked for $6k. out of a 12K pool. Sounds promising to get something. Continue reading

April 7, 2020 — SDG Executive Minutes

SDG April 7th “Emergency” meeting Re: covid

Meeting conducted Via zoom

Attendance: Jason Coutu, Casey Murray, Scott Chapman, Wendy Chapman, Kevin Baribeau, Kodi Poettcker, Andy Palmer, Jay White, Kris Roach, James Lawson

Course Development

JL: meeting with City, business as usual, not much direction from them. Alt locations at Reid needed re tree damage. Gave the nod to receive alt pin locations at Deif and evaluate, could be done despite covid situation. Not upset that we did little last year. They are ok with a putting green at Deif and at Reid, submit that with proposal. Continue reading

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