Members present: Kevin Baribeau, Jason Coutu, James Lawson, Kodi Poettcker, Scott Chapman, Wendy Champan

Regrets: Jay Dub, Kai Hicks, Tyrone Okrainetz, Casey Murray, Andy Palmer

Meeting called to order at 9:06


  Accept minutes from last meeting

  Business arising from minutes

  Reid Complaint letter

  Directors Reports

  Any other business

Motion to review minutes from last meeting

  Wendy motions to approve

  Seconded by Scott


Business arising from those minutes



Reid complaint letter

Issue: Basket 7/16 is too close to private backyards

  Ideas discussed

  • Put up netting or fence
    • Needs to be maintained. Could be cut/vandalized
    • May cause mowing issues. Would need to be city approved.
    • Timing of complaint is unfortunate since we just finished getting new basket locations approved
  • Move the basket
    • Can’t put it too close to the next tee box
  • Signage
    • Doesn’t affect mowing. Low cost
  • Contact community association
  • Add a mando


  Action Items:

    Ask Andy to put together a laminated OB sign – Jason volunteers

      One for a tree near the fence: DO NOT ENTER PRIVATE PROPERTY, etc.

      One for near the tee box: Caution: private property


    Ask Andy to make a facebook post explaining the issue — Jason volunteers


    Answer the email — Scott volunteers


    Scott to ask about pricing of other options (netting etc.)


    Consider nets for later if we continue to receive complaints


Directors Reports:


      On Thursday we’ll be playing the new pin positions using temporary baskets


      PDGA sanctioned league

        Talked to Chris (the PDGA rep for SK)

        We have permission



          Should we use the existing Thursday league or do a separate league?

          Separate league could also be on Thursday


        Proposal: Do a separate league. Charge an additional fee. To be announced.

    PDGA allows 6-10 week leagues. To run 10 weeks the latest we could start is the 23rd of July (finishing in late Sept)



    9 sign ups so far

    Starting Wednesday July 15

Course development

Reid Tee Boxes

    Thanks Scott for his connection with the concrete team that’s doing Reid

    We’ve been unable to buy sleeves from Dynamic

    Tubing is currently out of stock in North America


    We’re thinking of modifying Innova sleeves (we have 13 of those)


    Recommendation: Wait and see


    We may have to re-apply for a park permit and re-do our locates

      We’re likely to need to do this again anyway.


    Basket for the putting area has arrived


    All the boxes at Reid are framed

      Concrete to be poured soon depending on weather


    Cheque to be paid to concrete company in two installments

      ~ $8600 total


Chains at Dief are looking ragged

    Kodi to ask about ordering replacements while inquiring about swag for juniors


Eagle Creek is now a full 18 holes courtesy of AHDG and Scotty Naked Ninja Bear

    Thanks Asshats for placing new baskets and mapping it on UDisc



    No business



    No business



    Potential change in minutes format



    We have just over $8400 in our bank account

    Just over $4000 in Paypal


    About to spend a lot of that on Reid


    Policy: Need an invoice or receipt to access these funds


    Expense claims forms are available as a Google Doc


    Google account email addresses still aren’t set up. Work still in progress. Expecting to have the letter prepped this week.


  President’s report:

    President is absent, sends regrets.

    Very happy with developments so far this year


Other business:

 Facebook communication going well. Membership seems happy.


10:10pm – motion to Adjourn — Scott

  seconded by Jason


Meeting Adjourned at 10:11 pm