Author: Kevin Baribeau (page 2 of 3)

Dec 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

SDG Executive Tues Dec 7 2021


Present: Wendy, Scott, Alex, Kevin, Jakob, Tyler

Regrets: Kodi, Casey, Jay W, Jason G, Kris, James

Note Taker: Kevin

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order Quorum not met, need 8, only have 6.
Accept the minute from last meeting Unable to accept last month’s minutes without quorum.
Any business carrying over from last meeting Smart layouts are now in place. We can now change the course layouts without UDisc’s approval.

Old layouts are still active, if inactivate them UDisc will permanently retire them (UDisc wants everyone using smart layouts)

Hole numbers are still a little wonky. Needs experimentation

Course Development Have informally organized teepad cleaning.

Want to purchase shovel/scraper, can’t approve that expense without quorum.

Have funding for signage at Reid from city park enhancement program. Still need signholders from Jay White.

Dief signage is still incomplete until new layouts are finalized (we’re losing holes 15-18 because they are not irrigated). May gain some holes on/near the hill.

Leagues No updates
Sport Director CN rail has a community board that gives out funding. Disc golf may be a good fit since their track goes right by Reid. Applications are due in March.

City has similar grants. So does Federated Co-op. Board will investigate

Membership DG Sask wants clubs to be sending them money based on membership numbers. Still unknown what Saskatoon Disc Golf would get out of it (Sask Sport status?)
Finance No Updates
Communications No Updates
Secretary No Updates
President Will be absent next meeting and will defer meeting chair 


Nov 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

SDG Executive Tues Nov 2 2021

Present: CM, Jason Coutu, Kodi P, Scott C, Wendy, C, Kris R, Alex P, Marc L, Kevin B

Regrets: Jay W

Note Taker:CM

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order Time: 8:32

Quorum? Yes, 9

Accept the minute from last meeting No required edits. Motion to approve? Alex, second Marc. Minutes Accepted
Any Agenda items to add none.  Motion to accept standard agenda, passed.
League: Nothing to add, league is wrapped. The plan is to run multiple different leagues next year.  Shorten the regular season and add a glow season. The details will be filled out in the off season.
Course Development Nothing to report.
Sport development Nothing new
Tournament Nothing new, looking forward to more tournaments next year
Communication Built email list of members.  Waiting to build communication plan for AGM.  

Must get notice out by Saturday.  AGM, Saturday November 21 12 pm. Need an RSVP

Kevin will put out communication, Jason will give him the text to publish (email, facebook, website)
Secretary Will book a room at 21st street tap room for November 21, 12 noon, but need to know numbers. Jason to make a poll for AGM RSVP, Casey to book a room in the 21st street tap room.
Treasurer Finalizing the last payouts.  Will email out financials when they close.

Far more enrollment than expected, everything made money.  Look at your budgets and think about spending next year.  Jason will circulate a document for people to ask for budget line increases, need this by next week, Thursday Nov 11.

All of the directors should produce a report, at least one paragraph each, more as needed, to circulate at the AGM.

Succession planning, we may need to fill a few spots. Jay is stepping down as President, but would like to stay on as a member at large.

Jason will wrap this year’s finances, build the new budget and a succession planning doc.
Other business We have multiple layouts at Diefenbaker now. We have the ability to have course ambassadors to log in and make adjustments, Scott C is currently the ambassador  for our 3 and Eagle Creeks course.

Smart layout option will create a curated master layout.

Scott C will explore the functionality and whether we can add multiple tee pads etc. then we will either have a single master/smart layout with options or multiple smart layouts to accommodate fringe uses.
Motion to adjourn 9:09 Marc.


Saskatoon Disc Golf 2021 AGM Announcement

Date: Nov 28th, 2021 @ 12:00pm

Locations: The Meeting will be held live and online at

  • Basement Meeting room of Winston’s Pub
  • Zoom (link to be released on Nov 27th)

Meeting Package: The meeting package will be available on the website 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Submissions for bylaw changes: The board has not proposed any bylaw changes this cycle. Any member in good standing can submit a proposed bylaw change by 11:59pm Nov 14th 2021 to have it added to the agenda.

Submissions for Agenda Items: Any member in good standing can submit an item for the meeting agenda by 11:59am Nov 21st 2021 to have it added to the agenda.

Attendance and Voting requirements: Anyone in the Saskatoon Disc Golf community is welcome to attend the meeting. Voting is restricted to Members with a current paid membership as of 11:59pm Nov 14th 2021 and are 18 years old or older at the time of the meeting. 

October 5 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

SDG Executive Tues October 5 2021


Present: CM. Jason Coutu, Scott Chapman, Wedy Chapman, Alex Pelletier, Tyrone, James Lawson, 

Regrets: Marc Lebalt

Note Taker:CM

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order Time:


Any Agenda items to add None.  Motion to accept agenda, Wendy. Second Tyrone
Accept the minute from last meeting Motion to accept, Wendy. Second Scott.
Course Development

-Scott C

Diefenbaker. The City has nothing on file for our park access permit, it had been approved. So I resubmitted.  First call should be out there marking things. Nothing back from the solicitor’s office about our positions on the hill.

Walk through with J. Houk of Aforestation areas, he thought both locations could work. Escape is very on board with the idea, perhaps a summer pro shop at the italian centre, possibly a licenced location.

SDG to meet with Meewasin and the City on October 15th. Perhaps Meewasin has other location ideas for us?

AFORESTATION group has some curious demands. They seem to be taking a fairly strong stance.  We would need a memo of understanding, and a process in place to ensure things don’t become problematic. Perhaps a sit down could allay some of their concerns. If not, it could be a problem. Again, perhaps MVA or the City could have another space without other stakeholders.

Membership Development

-James L

A few more memberships in the last few weeks, roughly 218 members.
Sport Development

-Alex P

Will start looking into school visits, when I’m back in town. 

Casey, Victoria school is running a small program, that could be an opportunity.

Kevin, Principal from Montgomery School reached out looking for funding for discs. 

Alex to follow up with These two schools


-Kevin B

Principal from Montgomery School reached out looking for funding for discs, or grants for discs.

Talk with Kevin if you need help with your board email


-Jason C

All expense reports are now in.

We are nearly out of cheques, I will order some. Generally we don’t pay out people with e transfer.  I would like a one time permission to clear all owing money with a combination of cheques and e transfer, motion by Jason.  Second Wendy.  None opposed.

Would like to have a preliminary close off of the books by this weekend, then we can start looking at the AGM.  

Kevin and Jason will look make a communications plan for the AGM
Any other business Alex: Do we have a date for the AGM? Yes, Sunday November 1st 1pm

James: email from the City re the cutting of grasses in Donna Birkmaier Park.  We need an email list for AGM announcement and perhaps we could also remind the membership not to modify the courses.  Kevin will look into this

Wendy: Who is not coming back to the board, and have they shoulder tapped anyone?  Jason will send out an email to the board about this.

Kevin to build email list of members for AGM notification etc
Motion to Adjourn Scott, 8:51pm


September 7 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

September 7 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

Present: CM, Jason C, Kris, James L, Jay W, Wendy C, Scott C, Andy P, Kevin B, Marc L

Regrets: Kodi P, 

Note Taker:CM

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order Time: 8:03

Quorum ?½ board plus 1 =8? We have Quorum

Any Agenda items to add No, standard agenda. Motion to accept, Scott. Second Wendy/  None opposed.
Accept the minute from last meeting Kevin Will edit and post them for approval.
Accept Julys minutes (August didn’t have quorum) Motion to approve, Wendy. Second, Jay.  None opposed.
President Not much to report.  Looking foreword to todays discussion.
Course development How is the sign construction coming along Jay? It is in Jason’s Yard, Jay will pick it up and mount it.

City of Saskatoon has given us some time to install signs.  Do we want to install all 18 alternates now, even though we may lose some holes. We would have to reapply to install on the hill, that is a different process involving the optimists(The solicitor’s office). Two more holes not including the hill would get us up to 18.

The City wants holes 15-18 offline for summer.

Motion to put in all alternate pins at Dief minus 15-18, plus a practice basket. Also add main sign. Motion Scott, second Casey. None opposed.

Scott would like to show the City some options around the irrigation bowl

Perhaps we need to push back a bit more publicly, about the loss of 15-18, and also the original 5 holes.  We could reach out to Marin Loewan, City Counsellor.

A letter to the City Counsel? It would be good to appeal to City counsel about where we were 5 years ago and where we find ourselves.

Do we want to put another basket in at Donna hole 4? Motion to Tack baskets together and replace basket 4 at Donna, Casey, Second Marc. Passed

May as well move the last two new baskets from Donna to Dief also

Scott talked with the Friends of the Aforestation area group (they gave Scott and Wendy a tour) and also the Fat tire bike group.  They sound interested in the idea of DG in their area. They don’t want any endemic trees touched, but that should be workable. They would like us to present the idea to their board. Also an inaturalist survey could help get approval.

The City and also Mewasin would need to approve of this also

Speaking with J Houk, they will generate the hype to get themselves paid and get the course installed, we don’t have to come up with the cash.

The other side of the highway could also work?

League  Sanctioned league is finished. 4 more weeks of regular league. Year end tournament first weekend of october
Membership 2 new memberships this week. And one to refund.  Up to 218 members total
Sport Development Made money in Juniors this year, per Jason.

Director unable to attend

Tournament  ESO did very well financially, as per Jason.

Director unable to attend

Communication Just ongoing  house cleaning type stuff with the web site etc.
Finance Little has changed, coffers are doing well generally.  

Financials have been filed.

Some cheques need to go out.  We’ll need to order more cheques.

Some deposits to make.

All programs have made a profit and memberships are up.

AGM: november is a good time. Can start closing off finances, AGM can happen 30 days later.

We could Book a Sunday afternoon at 21st street. Sunday 21st November 1 pm.

We should get messaging out on this, Jason will work with Kevin on that.

Jason can bring telecasting gear.

We can announce october 5th.

Secretary Nothing to add.
Last call for business arising from the meeting
Motion to adjourn Wendy, 9:26 PM

Saskatoon Disc Golf Meeting Notes – Aug 3 2021


Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order


Kevin, Scott, Wendy, Alex, Kodi. Not enough attendance for quorum. Regrets from Jay, Jason C, Casey, Kris, Marc, Tyrone, James. No official actions taken during this meeting. News updates only from each present board member..
Accept the last meetings minutes N/A – Unable without quorum
Skill Development   Last week of the juniors program is tomorrow (Aug 4), Kodi to lead, Prizes to be handed out

  Had lots of good feedback from kids, very long wait list.  Going to think about ways to increase participation in the future. Hard though.

  Global Gathering Place clinic also happened recently.

  We’ve confirmed that we’ll be part of the multi sport sampler in early-mid October: 90 minute lesson, 90 minutes of a round

  Considering polling schools for interest in short programs during the fall

Tournament Director Most people said ESO ran pretty seamlessly

  T Shirts were a challenge. Dealing with late dropouts

    one shirt leftover, it’s coming

  29 leftover towels

    could be sold at league, or used as prizes

  We still may have an event upcoming at the zoo, but at this point it seems unlikely

    September is already jam packed with events

  Escape is all in for doing ESO again

    Currently considering June 5th 2022

  TD report still needs to be sent in by Aug 8th

Course Development   Need to contact the friends of the aforestation area soon

    goal is to send a friendly hello, offer to help people enjoy that space in a respectful manner

    will send out to exec for proof reading

  Need two additional holes to be approved by the city before the city takes four hole away (15-18)

    two pin locations each

    want to use the central bowl area

    potential area across from Hole #10

      natural island hole

    Also want to keep holes away from the BBQ area if possible

    Scott will draw a map and send it to the exec

    Assuming we get permission for two new holes and get our hill target positions approved…

      We have conditional approval for two holes on the hill

      We’ll still need to redesign the flow of the course

      Scott to present some options to the exec

  Sign for William A Reid is completed

    4 by 5 feet


    frames are under construction by Jay Dub

      building two frames – one for Dief as well

      no sign for Diefenbaker yet

        will design one once new layouts are finished

    Still need to address the erosion around teepads at Reid

      have put out suggestions to city, waiting to hear back

Communications   Summer in the city Instagram / Facebook campaign

  Need a photo

    Our photo waiver was removed from our event sign in in favor of a COVID waiver

      need to reach out individually to folks in these photos for approval

Motion to ajourn Meeting adjourned at 8:41


July 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

Board Members Present: Casey Murray, Wendy Chapman, Kodi Poettcker, Andy Palmer, Alex Pelletier, Scott Chapman, Jason Coutu(late), Jay Wight (late)


Note Taker: Casey


Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order


8:06 pm, Need 7 for quorum.  We will have 7 when Scott arrives.
Any new agenda items/accept the meetings agenda
Stickers and writing on baskets(Quorum was reached ) Alex would like to clean up the basket with some acetone etc. Thinking Sunday, will coordinate in executive FB group
Course usage numbers It would be nice to track how many people are using the course, for funders and also to justify to the city.  Funders especially may like these numbers.  15 hours of tracking would be strong data. Alex will make a post in the exec and coordinate from there.
Accept the last meetings minutes Casey, second by Wendy.


President Good job with the tournament Kodi, it went really well. Ready to start on signs, just waiting for the go ahead. 

CTP signs for league are built.

Tournaments would like plenty of signs, Jay will make what he can with what material he has.

Course Development Signage for Reid has been approved by the City. Very close to moving ahead.

We have approval from the City for Reid and Dief info sign.  Will finalize details and with Andy and then Jay can start building the physical sign infrastructure.

Waiting to hear back from the city about new pin locations at Dief.

There have been inquiries about how to build a new course.  Scott has been telling people what is needed.

Pins at Diefenbaker have been renumbered, new vinyl. Also redone on uDisc.  Also added some signage pointing to hole 1 and 13. Old layouts have been made inactive.

Need keys from James L to move Donna baskets. It would be nice to have one key for all locks.

Scott will contact Burnetts about universal locks
Tournament Director The Solstice tournament went well. Udisc didn’t work well for the tournament, but we managed. Financials should have turned out well. A few people did bail last minute, this will affect the bottom line.

29 on the waitlist of ESO.  We are hoping to have pins in the ground for the tournament holes, but we are still waiting for the city.

Found a sign maker for a good price. $12/sign.

Plenty left to do, but we are well on our way.  Innova order is on the way.

May need hands on tournament day. for registration as well as spotting and some logistics.

Fundraiser glow round the night before the tournament, for read Saskatoon, both tournament attendees and the public can join.

Still working on a possible September Tournament.

Need to move the Donna baskets, Kodi will make a post to organize when

Skill Development Juniors are 4 weeks in.  Kids are having a great time. DG Strong warm ups have been implemented.

We have a tonne of coaches.

Putting on a clinic this weekend if Someone wants to join, Global Gathering place.

Saskatoon Community Rec association is putting on some events, the multisport series may work with us. Waiting to hear back, well need some coaches if that works out.

Membership We’ve only sold a couple more since last month, 208 memberships currently.
Finance Started to cover expenses for ESO.  Accounts are healthy because we’ve had more people attend all things.
Star Phoenix article They want a phone interview about the history of DG and SDG. Jay W has the background. Jay will contact the SP
Motion to ajourn Motion by Scott at 8:59

June 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

SDG Executive board monthly meeting


June 1st 

Agenda & Meeting Notes


Present: Casey M, Wendy C, Scott C, Jason C, Kein B, James L, Jay w, Tyrone, AP, Kris, Marc L


Note Taker:CM

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call meeting to order
Acceptance of agenda
Accept past minutes Motion WC, second KP
President     Not much to report.

    Excited for Saskatoon Disc Golf right now. Everything’s kicking off.

    Tournaments, course development all going well.

Course Development     Did a walkthrough with the city at Dief to go over the new basket locations.

    Mark, maintenance, park staff, senior manager for park spaces were present

    Lots of talk from the city about damage to trees

    Only small alterations to proposed basket locations, mostly within 5 feet of our proposals.

      * But, we’ll only get two positions on the hill, not three

      * We can only use the free toboggan side of the hill

      * Dief can likely soon be a 20 hole course in the summer

      * Escape was happy enough to order four baskets we need for Dief. We can pay them later!

        * Two baskets for the hill, two for practice putting area

    City accepted suggestions from Scott for around the teepads (woodchips etc.), also tree-armouring

      Mark will collect feedback on these from other city staff

      We included examples of hole signage, bag holders

      This would apply to Reid as well

    Heard nothing back yet from the park enhancement program application we’ve put in

    Andy has submitted a design for a Reid course map. Board will provide feedback before we present it to the city

      When we eventually do a new Diefenbaker map we should do it in a similar style

    Scott is researching an area west of Cedar Villas reforestation area for a new course

      fat tire mountain biking club is already out there

        we have their contact information

      There is a “friends of the reforestation area group” out there. We’ll have to negotiate with them.

        Plan is to go to the city once we’ve contacted all of the user groups

    Scott has chatted with John and Dee Hauk (pro disc golf course designers, did Maple Hill etc.)

      their point of view is not to rely on the local board

      instead: develop an economic impact plan that’s presented to all potential shareholders (city, major sponsors (potentially Escape, Cameco, Nutrien, Tourism Saskatoon), RMs, etc.)

        they would host a meeting with these groups

        if they can drum up the money from those groups, they will design the course

        often what happens is people love the idea but then go with something easier/cheaper/smaller

    Orange Xs are on the ground at Reid where the city wants to plant trees

      not all locations are ideal, but they’ve heard our input

    Kris/Jay — Can we move the good baskets from Donna over to Dief?

      We should re-label the holes at Dief at the same time. Hole 13 becomes hole 1

      Announce on Facebook etc. before we move them so people know the courses will be temporarily unavailable

      Plan to do it in the evening / near dark when usage is low

Membership Development Hit 200 member mark! Have had some website issues, now resolved.  Wendy will put up some QR codes
Leagues Now have 81 members in league.  We will now meet as a big group as per regulations, “normal” league can commence. PDGA league can go ahead in June.

Need to link the spreadsheet to our website to view standings.

Kevin B will work out website link.
Skill Development Signs made to tell people where Junior league will be happening.

Fundraiser discs are in, coaches jerseys are also in.

Full program of 32 kids.  We can go as normal with restrictions lifted.  Program will run 8 weeks.  Have everything we need to get started.

Kodi and Alex put on a clinic in Warman last weekend,they had very positive feedback.

Tournament Director Escape Sports Open (ESO)  is full.  28 reserved spots for junior/women was the right amount.

Opened one hour early, but there were still 30 spots after an hour.

35 people on the waitlist

We will need at least 10 spotters.

Solstice tournament already has 58.  No word back from Crossmount yet.

Likely stat at the parking Lot

Can we move amateur side of escape open to Reid? and bring more MPO etc in? PDGA will not let us on a 9 basket course.

Round 1 will take a 5 hour loop.  Probably wise to keep it not too big for first go around.

May need to remind people about lost/looking for disc rules at the players meeting to help move things along.

In Ab they do a shot gun start with 4 different start times etc.

Good to still use hand sanitizer at tournaments no matter what the restrictions

What if the club sponsored a hole on behalf of Andy for all the work he has done on graphics, moved by Kodi.  Seconded by Scott C.  Scott: he works a lot at a high level, he makes us look good.No objections, the motion passes

Mark L will stop in on Crossmount.

Communications Behind posting minutes.  Will catch up today. Caught up on all things otherwise.
Finance League Target of 3k, have raised 6k plus.  Membership also 6k plus in revenue.

Escape open will exceed our projections buy itself.  Total we are at 18K revenue vs 12k Projected.  We are in a very good position financially.  Leagues will have access to more funding for prizing. Note: 36 people on the ESO waitlist have paid and will have to get refunded. 

Secretary Outstanding from last meeting: how to deal with numbering of baskets.  Scott C: we have a plan to deal with physical numbers and will look into udisc changing of numbers.
Sponsorship Need more hole sponsors.  We have 4, need 18 total, so if anyone knows people or businesses please pass them on.

How are we recognizing sponsors? IN players book.  Do we want a sponsor board at the event?

Do we need a sponsorship portfolio/lead person?

Motion to adjourn Motion by Scott at 9:22 pm


May 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

Present: CaseyM, Jason C, Tyrone, Kris, JayW, Marc L, Scott C, Wendy C, Kodi P

Regrets: JamesL, AlexP, Kevin B

Note Taker:

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order 8:06 pm
Motion to accept agenda Marc, seconded Jay
Motion to accept previous meeting notes Kevin B, Second Wendy C
Any agenda items to add none
Directors reports
President Great job on the membership tournament! Everything is rolling along well
Course development Scott put in two applications to the city: One for $2000(signage at Reid, total cost we’d pay half), other for $9000 (Finish signage and teepads at Dief).

Will ask for any ideas from the membership about new holes at Dief, then we can vote and pass it to the city.  Maintenance and utilities will have to be on side.

Scott will talk with the city about replacing teepads that were removed.

Would like to do a walk through of the U of S tree farm, there is space for 3+ 18 hole courses. Could find funding from sask tourism, we could bring people in from out of town.

What about changing the hole numbering? We could change it on udisc and get decals/repaint. Will coordinate with Kevin to get the word out to the public.

Scott moving foreword to finish Diefenbaker.

Scott looking at physical and udisc options to change hole numbers.

League 61 people signed up for league as of today. Will have to look at Reid, it’s a bit small for this many.  Could look at divisions for next year.  Will reduce the number of night at Reid for this year.

Kris will coordinate with Kevin to update the website.

Kris, will change schedule to relieve some pressure from Reid Park.

Will update website.

Junior Start delayed to June 16th
Tournaments Wrapping  membership tournament.

99/100 people signed up played.

Registration to be up in the next week or two for the solstice tournament.

Escape Open looks more hopeful.  We are allowed to compete in a singles environment. The next phase of covid restrictions will allow 150 people outside.

There may be some interest in serving adult beverages at tournaments.

To post registration for Solstice tournament in th next two weeks
Finance Some cheques to clean up.  Pay pal account needs to be coordinated.

Good meetings with other directors about their finances.

we can do etransfers for prizes but not for expenses.

$570 from membership tournament to course development.

Can we generate a qrcode for membership buying? Jason will do.

Jason needs to be added as staff to discgolf scene events.  Also will build a qr link for buying memberships.
Motion to adjourn Scott, 8:59

April – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

Present: CM, JC, KR, JW, KB, AP, WC, Alex P, Marc L


Note Taker: Casey

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


call to order 802 pm 9 here, quorum met.
New agenda items? Regular agenda plus, Marc L, Sponsorship.

Motion to accept agenda, second WP, Second Kevin B.

Motion to accept last meeting meeting. Moved and second, WP/Marc L
Action items from last meeting Signing authority, updated to included treasurer, Pres and course director.
Sponsorship Lucky bastard as sanitizer sponsor. LB will supply enough to place on every hole. Will need spritz bottles, but Marc L will confirm Marc to follow up with bottle needs, we will need bottles before membership tournament
President Lots happening!

Lets smash it!

Membership drive, want it to run clean, want it to run smooth.

Course Development
Membership development JL Absent
Gophertown/League League registration open, 22 in already. Pre league starts this week.  Tags are ordered. Will keep the meeting group at start small by starting groups as they arrive.
Sport Development New sponsors: Amazing stories and Dragons Den Games.

Ordered custom stamped junior discs, will arrive at the end of the program.  50-55 discs with 30 juniors, will sell the rest after. 

Coaches jerseys are ordered.

Registration, filled at 28 spots.  7 on the wait list.  Capacity could be 36.  Have opened it to 32 people given coaches. so still 2 on wait list.

Some kind of signage may be helpful for Wednesdays? A lawn sign for hole 1?

Adults have approached Alex looking for lessons.  There is demand, but do we want to take it on? It could be in the form of clinics, one off or monthly. Perhaps we need another board position to take this on? Could use other less used parks to bring exposure.(Reids community Assoc is already doing this)

What about a directory for private lessons?

Alex will chase down sign options.

Kevin B will start a directory on the web site.(Jay, Alex and Kodi will put their name in)

Tournament  Escape open, have made a sub committee: Alex, Kevin, Jason, Scott. Have looked at layouts for tournament. Looking to sell more sponsorships. Prodigy possible equipment sponsor. registration opens mid-may.

May 1 membership drive. The city is hesitant with Covid. Despite our safeguards (virtual meeting, online scoring, etc) Likely we wouldt need to book the course if it came to that.  Would like 5-6 people at hole one to direct traffic.  Also need 18 baskets so they can preview alternate pin locations, perhaps a few sleeves could be sunk? 

What about prizing/payouts? We could use the entry fees, there seems to be support for this.

Looking for volunteers for the membership tournament.

Motion to buy 9 more lights from Kodi (18 total) from Marc L, second by Kris. None opposed, motion carries

Communications Have been updating the website for 2021. Still need logos for sponsorships. Alex please proof updates to junior page.
Finance Dealt with signing authority. Need to pay for basket going to Donna, waiting for invoice from Escape.  Will meet with Alex re accounting.
Secretary Nothing to add.
Course Development Have replaced Missing basket at Donna Birkmaier. 

Have sent a tree layout to the city for approval.  Looking to do a walkthrough with them this month.

Diefenbaker alternates the City is very cooperative: we have 14 sleeves. So we need 4 at least. We could also sink tournament sleeves (3) as well. Scott will send out a final layout to the board.

The city will let us use the hill in the summer, could add three holes to the hill for sure.

We could use 10 sleeves. Scott will look into pricing. Plus 3 for practice

Scott is a pricing out signage and applying for funding from the city.

Some talk about the city putting in random baskets in parks for putting etc.

City wants something done around tee boxes at Reid, we may need to convince them to use shale?

Do we need to protect people at practice area at Reid? Perhaps signage could help with this.

When do we move to parking lot of Dief for hole 1. We could start with the Escape Open.

League will move to the lot as well and start on the current 13 (this will be the new hole 1)

Any other Business? Jay would like to move the good baskets from Birkmeier to Dief and swop. Seems to be support.

Either before League. or wait until Escape Open.

Do we have a tent? James L? Need something for the women’s tournament.

Motion to adjourn Scott  9:59


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