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Jan 5 2021 — SDG Executive Minutes

Present: Jason C, Casey M, Kris , Kevin B, Marc L, Kodi P, Alex P, James L, Jay W


Note Taker:

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Open meeting 802 Pm we have quorum, only Directors Reports on agenda Add Sponsorship to agenda Motion to approve, Scott, second Marc, passed.
Marc, do we have a deadline for sponsorship re membership? James can speak to this.

Are there any we want to add?

Could bring sponsors into league, tournaments etc. Not just membership.

Membership drive tentatively May 1st

Late sponsors could be on our website, all really should.

James want memberships before icebowl, does that affect end of year?

We could change our end of year to smooth things out.

Kevin to update sponsors on website, also promote last years sponsors

Jason to look into changing end of year filing date.

Tournaments IceBowl, strong registration already. Mix of day and night, lights will be well used. Order should go in soon for icebowl merch

May 1 for spring membership drive tournament, socially distance, casual.  Should be good for covid.

To get on Saskatoon Open organization asap.

Can we change the name of the Saskatoon open? Sponsors may want to have a say

Kodi, starting work on Saskatoon Open
Leagues Nothing to report
Sport Development Little to report

We should start a week or two after the membership drive, we could promo through the membership tournament.

Course development Talking with City re signage and regulations.

Course layout will be mostly what was tested, will confirm with the city.

Need to confirm temp baskets.

We lost basket #3 at Donna, striped to the pole. Can we reinforce baskets?

Do we want to upgrade chains? Would this affect PDGA sanctioning of tournaments? Premade packages would cost 3K/park

What about funding for signage? Would the City pitch in? Saskatoon tourism?

Federated Coop could be an option.

Send grants to Scott, he will look into them.

Scott will back and forth on signage with the City

Scott will contact community organization re helping replace the basket.

Scott will look at chains and PDGA approval

Communications Not much to update.

Need to social media blast the icebowl.

Kevin will push icebowl on somed, focus on food bank angle.
Membership development Membership cards, would like to get them rolling soon. get cards and posters

Andy made some excellent posters for icebowl

Finance Has been very quiet

We were paid by the City

Light editing to do on bylaws before they are submitted.

Do we have cash to buy a basket? Yes.  

We could move new baskets at Donna to Diefenbaker.

2 cheques need to be deposited by Jason and also update signing authority
Secretary Nothing to report
President Nothing new to report.

Waiting to pounce on the new pins at Diefenbaker.

Other business Basket lights: won’t make an icebowl specific basket light. As far as club lights Working on a prototype that is lockable. Looking at a combination lock system. Would like to number each light and possibly add art. Looking for bulk pricing on locks.

2021 birdie cards will be for sale, with some proceeds going to SDG.

Bag tags should likely get ordered soon.

Minutes should get posted.

Kevin will post meeting notes on website.
Last meeting minutes Motion to approve last meeting minutes. With a note that James was not in attendance. Motion, Scott, Second Kevin, passed
adjourn meeting motion to adjourn at 9:03 Motion to Adjourn Marc, second Scott, meeting adjourned.

Dec 12 2020 — SDG Executive Minutes

Saskatoon SDG Executive – December 12 2020 – Via Zoom

Present: Casey M, Jason C, Alex P, Allan H, Kris R, Scott C, Andy P, Kodi P, Kevin B, Jay W

Regrets: James L, Marc

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2021 Ice Bowl

Registration is now open for Saskatoon’s Ice Bowl! The event will be run on Saturday, Jan 30th. Check out for details, merchandise, and registration. This year’s event is offering a night round with all 18 baskets illuminated from 6pm till 10pm. Scores are to be tracked using UDisc Live Event.

2020 AGM Package

2020 AGM Package

In preparation for the Annual General Meeting on November 29th, the SDG executive has put together a package of documents including:

  • The agenda
  • A list of available positions open for nomination
  • Financial reports
  • The club by-laws
  • Proposed amendments to the by-laws

This AGM Package will be emailed directly to all 2020 club members prior to the AGM but you can be viewed directly via the link below.

Download AGM Package

October 6, 2020 – SDG Executive Minutes

Saskatoon SDG Executive – October 6 2020 – Via Zoom

Present: Scott C, Wendy C, Jason C, Tyrone, James L, Jay W, Kodi P, Casey M

Regrets: Andy P, Kevin B, Kai H, Kris R

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SDG 2020 AGM Announcement

Saskatoon Disc Golf .Inc will be holding the 2020 Annual General Meeting virtually on November 29th at 3pm via Zoom.

All current 2020 SDG members in good standing as of Nov 8th, 12:00am are invited to attend.

Meeting links will be emailed directly to our list of members in advance.

If you would like to attend but are not currently a member, you can join via the link below.

Become an SDG member

August 4, 2020 – SDG Executive Minutes

SDG Board of Directors

August 4th 2020

Zoom meeting


Present:Scott C, Wendy C, Jason Cotu, James Lawson, Kevin B, Jay W, Andy P, Tyrone, Casey Murray

Regrets:Kai H

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July 10, 2020 — SDG Executive Minutes

Members present: Kevin Baribeau, Jason Coutu, James Lawson, Kodi Poettcker, Scott Chapman, Wendy Champan

Regrets: Jay Dub, Kai Hicks, Tyrone Okrainetz, Casey Murray, Andy Palmer

Meeting called to order at 9:06


  Accept minutes from last meeting

  Business arising from minutes

  Reid Complaint letter

  Directors Reports

  Any other business

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New PDGA Sanctioned League

That’s right you better believe it! We now have a PDGA League starting up in Saskatoon.
The new league begins on Thursday, July 23rd at 6:30.
It will alongside the existing GTDG League but has separate postings.
SDG Membership is required to join the league, so if you already have one be sure to check the -$30 discount before checking out!
Sign up is available on disc golf scene via link below.

Gophertown Remote League 2020

This year due to Covid-19 we will run a “Remote” League as we are unable to run our regular league format. Members will play their round at any time on Thursdays at the course stated in the schedule.

The rules have changed and formats are new – please read carefully and good luck this year!

Full Details and Sign Up
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