October 6, 2020 – SDG Executive Minutes

Saskatoon SDG Executive – October 6 2020 – Via Zoom

Present: Scott C, Wendy C, Jason C, Tyrone, James L, Jay W, Kodi P, Casey M

Regrets: Andy P, Kevin B, Kai H, Kris R

Agenda Item Lead person Notes Actions
Call to order 8:02 pm
Agenda accepted Jason C
Minutes from last meeting unaccepted they were taken by Kevin B, they are mia
Gsuite is set up Jason C Set up is happening with emails for directors, waiting for non-profit approval from Tech soup.

Email for each name and for each position. others can be added to the position inboxes.

Directors stay to set up email after meeting.

Kevin and Jason C to move all paperwork over to gsuite in the next month.

Fall Tournaments Jay was going to talk with Kai, this did not happen.  Jay would still like to see something happen, with or without Kai, we will defer to Directors spot.
Getting money back from the city Need to submit some invoices. Scott and Wendy will look at this
Donna Birkmeir Email City Councillor, has received an inquiry from the community association who would like to speak with us. James L sent her an email, saying we would like to chat. Saskatoon spot and development and the maintenance group seem to be at odds about how to develop the course. The community Association could be helpful in this?

Perhaps we could be the facilitators, the community association could foot the bill?

James L will see what the lay of the land is.
President Jay W Has been otherwise occupied.

League was a good success.

Course development James L Wrapping up expenses.

Pike Lake reached out, they are interested in putting a course in the golf course there. An employee of the golf course has expressed interest.

Jay, should we put together a group to build alternated from Dief? We have asked for public suggestions, now we can go ahead

James, pulling together final expenses from Reid development.

James will follow up with Pike Lake golf course. Jay W is also interested.

James will start a Group to look at alternates

League Where is the trophy? Jay W will ask Dave Pringle
Junior League Not much to add.

Kodi did short Clinic at Evan Hardy.

He will submit receipts.

Kodi will do an inventory of what rolls over to next year.
Tournaments Still a max of 30 on the course at a time. Some reticence about covid.

May want to avoid the word tournament

May wait until ice bowl

Finance Jason C Financial activity in the last month.

IN good shape.  Need to bring money in from the City and send money out to a few directors.

Agm, would be good to close finances by mid October, then last weekend in nov for AGM.

Need a quick meeting before the AGM.

Our bylaws and constitution, any changes could be made now. Release financials and bylaw changes at the start of the month.

Possibly add a condition on President, so that an outside interest couldn’t take over.

Set up a nominations committee, so we can find out who wants to stay, who wants out and who may be an asset to the board.

Would be good to look at the by laws at large.

Jason will create a poll and schedule the next meeting, Oct 16, 17, 18.
Secretary Nothing official.

Kastaplast bingo bash could be an option for a non tournament in the near future

Adjourn Wendy C 856