October 5 2021 – SDG Executive Meeting Minutes

SDG Executive Tues October 5 2021


Present: CM. Jason Coutu, Scott Chapman, Wedy Chapman, Alex Pelletier, Tyrone, James Lawson, 

Regrets: Marc Lebalt

Note Taker:CM

Agenda Item Notes Action/Decision


Call to order Time:


Any Agenda items to add None.  Motion to accept agenda, Wendy. Second Tyrone
Accept the minute from last meeting Motion to accept, Wendy. Second Scott.
Course Development

-Scott C

Diefenbaker. The City has nothing on file for our park access permit, it had been approved. So I resubmitted.  First call should be out there marking things. Nothing back from the solicitor’s office about our positions on the hill.

Walk through with J. Houk of Aforestation areas, he thought both locations could work. Escape is very on board with the idea, perhaps a summer pro shop at the italian centre, possibly a licenced location.

SDG to meet with Meewasin and the City on October 15th. Perhaps Meewasin has other location ideas for us?

AFORESTATION group has some curious demands. They seem to be taking a fairly strong stance.  We would need a memo of understanding, and a process in place to ensure things don’t become problematic. Perhaps a sit down could allay some of their concerns. If not, it could be a problem. Again, perhaps MVA or the City could have another space without other stakeholders.

Membership Development

-James L

A few more memberships in the last few weeks, roughly 218 members.
Sport Development

-Alex P

Will start looking into school visits, when I’m back in town. 

Casey, Victoria school is running a small program, that could be an opportunity.

Kevin, Principal from Montgomery School reached out looking for funding for discs. 

Alex to follow up with These two schools


-Kevin B

Principal from Montgomery School reached out looking for funding for discs, or grants for discs.

Talk with Kevin if you need help with your board email


-Jason C

All expense reports are now in.

We are nearly out of cheques, I will order some. Generally we don’t pay out people with e transfer.  I would like a one time permission to clear all owing money with a combination of cheques and e transfer, motion by Jason.  Second Wendy.  None opposed.

Would like to have a preliminary close off of the books by this weekend, then we can start looking at the AGM.  

Kevin and Jason will look make a communications plan for the AGM
Any other business Alex: Do we have a date for the AGM? Yes, Sunday November 1st 1pm

James: email from the City re the cutting of grasses in Donna Birkmaier Park.  We need an email list for AGM announcement and perhaps we could also remind the membership not to modify the courses.  Kevin will look into this

Wendy: Who is not coming back to the board, and have they shoulder tapped anyone?  Jason will send out an email to the board about this.

Kevin to build email list of members for AGM notification etc
Motion to Adjourn Scott, 8:51pm


Kevin Baribeau: