May 5, 2020 — SDG Executive Minutes

COVID meeting #2 May 5th 2020

Attendance: CM, Tyrone, JC, Kris, SC, AP, KP, JW, JL, SC, WC
Regrets: KB and Kai also DP

Called to order 8:07


President: JW Hard to do much in current situation. Want to make a plan to finalize extra pins.
Parks grant submitted last week, should hear back soon. Posted on FB for public feedback on Reid. Hoping to do a walk-through of Reid this weekend.

Course Development

JL: Our grant application asked for $6k. out of a 12K pool. Sounds promising to get something.
JC: At AGM $9000 was allocated for course development, some funds can come over from the Willows event to add to that. Grants could extend this
SC: would be good to get into into city asap, they may take some time.
JL: they just need a map, then we meet them in the park and walk through with them
AP: there are some conflicts, make sure to path things so that the greens don’t stay trashed.
JW: when?
Teepad problems? Not really, a conversation about #5 would be good.
JL: needs to be walked. Adjourn to committee? JL will extend input timing

Membership Development

JL: we need to get going on memberships , need to push DP
JW: I will call DP and check in


KR: Regulations haven’t changed much, so what do we want to do? Some kind of online league?
JC: 10 people max in your circle, so tough to do.
Tyrone: you would have to play with the same people all summer.
JC: Could do a virtual league? No entry fee?
Debate about COVID regs and how to proceed
JL: Matchplay, DD is expecting everyone to play, we need to fill the second bracket, registration is extended to June.

Junior Program

KP: looking at some way to start early June, May is not realistic, perhaps the climate will be more friendly.
How could we break to smaller groups and keep space, 10 ppl max? Smaller sessions?
Will speak with volunteer base to discuss a possible later start and runtime. Will change discgolf scene into to early June.
JL: do we offer refunds?
KP: only two signed up. Could order some stuff to give people value for registration.
JL: also some registered for league
KP: can you check website for dates AP?


AP: where is website at.
JC: need to transfer stuff over to new site.
New letter head designed and sent to JW to be signed
JC: little expenses or income. We have $8 of $9K that was allotted, but we were planning to fund raise. Should be able to spend much of that.


JL: memberships, we should all buy memberships and encourage others to do the same.
JL: DD is taking applications for Trilogy Challenge. Should we apply? Could change usual dates? No risk in applying, so yes, but don’t order anything until further discussion
JL: do we have an asset list? Who can build the list, baskets and discs mostly? JC and one person to help, count shirts and discs, also visually verify baskets, fill in spread sheet. WC will help JC.
JL: Did we receive funds from Prairie Sun? JC: yes. JL: what about the Ace Race? JC: yes, ,but I have not made the deposit yet. How do we account for this? JL: need to learn better practices. And account for everything.
WC: we should have a way to account after every event.
JC: we have one but it needs to be used. The reporting has been weak.
JL: need to make sure there are invoices for everything
WP: can the board access all info?
JC: I Need to share that google doc with people
JL: Some issues last year, must have paperwork done.
JC: signing authority people need to meet and go to the bank.
WP: website does not work, can’t buy memberships via our web page.
JC: we are working on that ASAP
WP: We could announce on FB, a membership drive to help with course development.
CM: need DP in the loop. JW: I will talk to them
CM motion to adjourn 9:17, accepted
